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Our Governors

Welcome to the Governors’ webpage for St Augustine’s Catholic High School; we hope it provides a clear insight into what our roles and responsibilities are and who we all are.

What is the responsibility of the Local Governing Body (LGB)?

The Local Governing Body have responsibility for ensuring the good conduct and high standards of educational achievement in the school. They act in the best interests of the students and also act as a critical friend to the Principal.

The three main roles are:-

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The different types of Governors:

Foundation: are appointed by the Diocese and form the majority of the Governors of the school. They have a legal duty to preserve and develop the Catholic character of the school and to ensure the school is conducted in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation.

Staff: representatives of the staff community within the school. Also includes the Principal of the school.

Parent: nominated by parents of the students who attend the school.

Co-opted: appointed by the Governing Body who has the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.


Meet our Governors

Chair of the Local Governing Body

Cecilia Hubble - Foundation Governor:  Cecilia was previously a senior teacher within the West Midlands working at a number of faith schools.  She has experience within trade union representation and health and safety.  She was a teacher governor for a number of years, before joining St Augustine’s Governing Board in 2000.  In Autumn 2023, she became Chair of the Local Governing Body.

Bernadette Stokes - Foundation Governor:  Bernadette, a former senior teacher has extensive experience within curriculum development, teaching and learning, professional development and quality assurance.  She has also worked as a consultant for Birmingham Local Authority.  Her connection with St Augustine’s goes back to 1996 when the first of her four children started at the school.  Bernadette became a Foundation Governor in December 2018.  In December 2019, she became Co-Chair of the Local Governing Body.